Security export control, which is a system for preventing arms and objects and technologies that can be used for military purposes from being transferred to terrorists and countries developing weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, for the purpose of maintaining the peace and safety of international society including Japan, is regulated by the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, etc.
Also in universities, in proceeding with collaborative activities of international research such as collaborative research with overseas universities and enterprises, taking out overseas research devices, technical material, and research samples and providing technologies overseas may be subject to application to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for export permission under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. For example, provision of technologies to foreign students and research students also includes cases that may be subject to control under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act.
UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI prescribes the management system and university procedures as below and carries out security export control.
UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI has assigned the highest responsible person for export control (president), the supervisor on export control (director (in charge of research, industry-academia and community collaboration)), the export control responsible person (head of Headquarters for Innovative Society-Academia Cooperation), the department export control responsible person (head of department), and the department person in charge of export control (chief of the organization for clerical work supporting each department), and manages security export control.
UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI carries out procedures for security export control in the university in the order of “confirmation by Preliminary Check Sheet” and “transaction examination by Export Examination Form”. Each department, etc. carries out confirmation by Preliminary Check Sheet, and, if necessary, through transaction examination by Export Examination Form, the supervisor on export control applies to the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for permission in the name of UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI.
UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI requests submission of Preliminary Check Sheet in the case of the following “Cases requiring procedures”
On May 1, 2022, “deemed export control” was clarified to strengthen prevention of outflow of sensitive technologies related to Security Trade Control, and relevant laws and regulations (1.) were amended. The amendment of relevant laws and regulations requires provision of technologies to a resident that conventionally has not been subject to security but is strongly influenced by foreign countries (“a person falling under specific categories”) to be given prior permission by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI requests a subject person for submission of “Self-Declaration on Person Falling under Specific Categories” in order to confirm whether the subject person is the person falling under specific categories.
研究・地域連携推進部 研究推進課
Research and Regional Cooperation Promotion Department, Division for Research Promotion
TEL 0776-27-9725