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International Exchange at a Glance

Academic Exchange Partner Institutions

168 institutions in 41 countries and regions (University-level partnerships : 97, Faculty-level partnerships : 71)
(As of May 1, 2024)

By countries and regions

Academic Exchange Partner Institutions by countries and regions

Country/Region No. of Institutions
(University-level and
Country/Region No. of Institutions
(University-level and
China 21 Turkey 2
Thailand 18 Mexico 2
Taiwan 16 Mongolia 1
Korea 15 Macau 1
Vietnam 13 Hong Kong 1
Indonesia 9 Brunei 1
USA 8 Singapore 1
France 5 India 1
Romania 5 Belgium 1
Russia 5 Bulgaria 1
Malaysia 4 Hungary 1
UK 4 Czech 1
Bhutan 3 Spain 1
The Philippines 3 New Zealand 1
Cambodia 3 UAE 1
Australia 3 Canada 1
Bangladesh 2 Peru 1
Lithuania 2 Uganda 1
Poland 2 Egypt 1
Germany 2 Malawi 1
Italy 2 UMAP 1

By UF organizations

Academic Exchange Partner Institutions by UF organizations

Study Abroad

*Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of outgoing students decreased.

151 students studied in 17 countries and regions in FY 2023
(Short-term Program: 138, Semester Exchange Program: 12, TOBITATE!: 1, Non-university Program with Credit: 0)

Participants’ data







International Students

*Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the number of international students decreased.

175 students from 20 countries and regions are enrolled (As of May 1, 2024)

International students by countries and regions

International Students

Number of international students

Number of international students

Faculty and Staff Exchange

Number of Faculty and Staff dispatched to educational institutions overseas

Faculty and Staff Exchange

Visiting Faculty and Researchers from overseas

Number of Visiting Faculty and Researchers from overseas

Number of Visiting Faculty and Researchers from overseas


Please also check Japanese College and University Portraits website to find information and data on the University of Fukui.

Japanese College and University Portraits – Japanese site
Japanese College and University Portraits – International site