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Graduate School of Engineering renewed the Academic Agreement with College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University

The Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui (UF) concluded an agreement with the College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan in 2018 to deepen exchange of students and researchers. To further strengthen exchanges, the two universities renewed the agreement on July 19 and held a signing ceremony at UF.

The delegation from NCKU came to Fukui to attend the 100th Anniversary Ceremony of the UF School of Engineering on July 20. At the signing ceremony, Vice President SUYE Shin-ichiro, who started the exchange with NCKU in 2011, greeted them by saying, “I am grateful for our continued exchange since 2011 and for the brotherly relationship as we share in celebrating this 100th anniversary together.“ Dr. Chyan-Deng Jan, Dean of the College of Engineering at NCKU, responded, In order to continue our exchange, it is important to pass it on to the next generation. I am sure that the next generation will further develop the exchange between the two universities.Professor AKASHI Yukio, Dean of the Graduate School of Engineering, who signed the agreement, expressed his respect for the longstanding exchanges between the two universities and said, “I would like to promote further exchange and collaborative activities with NCKU.

│ August 5th, 2024 │